Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Kachemak Bay Kayaking Part 2

On day three of the kayak adventure, we explored a different bay in another part of the park. It was more difficult that the day before because the wind was a bit stronger. The waves in most parts of the bay were about 2 ft tall. You can't kayak in more than about 4 ft without the danger of tipping over. Tipping over is very serious because of how fast you can get hypothermia. If you do tip over they advise you to try to get back on top of your kayak, head straight to shore and get out of your wet clothes, and make a fire.

Today was Fourth of July, and it was a beautiful Independence Day. In one area we went, there were tons of bald eagles, and I could not contain my amusement of how surreal it was to see bald eagles soaring overhead on July 4th. They are actually quite an annoying bird, and squawk in a tone that sounds like an old lady dying. Adam says it was their mating call. I guess they are into old ladies.....

We also saw some cool star fish. I got to touch one and I was surprised at how hard they are. They feel like rocks. Unfortunately, I didn't get any good pictures of them.

On the way back, we got a good taste of Alaska weekend traffic. Alaskans, for whatever reason, love campers/RVs. They take them everywhere, and tend to drive no more than 50 mph. The tourists on the other hand will only drive 40, so with the combination, you don't get anywhere fast. It was as bad as traffic in Austin! The good thing was is instead of staring at buildings, you are staring at huge mountains in every direction. I think all of Anchorage had been on the Kenai Peninsula for Fourth of July.

Our water source. Mark was brave and made the climb up the slippery slope.

Oyster Farm. The balls hold up trays that the things grow on. They were everywhere in this bay.

Crystal clear water! Not sure what the underwater shrub things were: some type of seaweed that was everywhere at low tide.

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